Sublime Text 4.0.4126 Win + Portable Text editing (PreActivated)

Sublime Text 4.0.4126

Sublime Text

 It is a powerful software in the field of advanced text editing for code, HTML and prose. With Sublime Text software, you can make 10 changes at a time. Text editing, with multi-color designs, with multiple sentences, with highlighted brackets, the ability to save changes, choosing to edit commands, the possibility of multiple selection, searching and replacing regular expressions, etc. are among the features of Sublime Text software.

Features of Sublime Text software

    • Multiple editing windows side by side
    • View your code from 10,000 feet
    • Ability to view in full screen mode
    • Specifying the syntax of different languages ​​such as C, C++, C#, CSS, D, Erlang, HTML, Groovy, Haskell, HTML, Java, javascript, LaTeX, Lisp, Lua, Markdown, Matlab, OCaml, Perl, PHP, Python, R , Ruby, SQL, TCL, Textile and XML
    • It has a multi-colored design, with several sentences
    • Has a prominent bracket
    • Ability to save changes
    • A selection of editing commands, including paragraph indentation/indentation, paragraph formatting, line continuity
    • Regular expression search and replacement
    • Browse through long files
    • Description of the text block
    • Setting the connection keys, menus and toolbars
    • Plugin with API
    • Repeat the last action
    • Build an integration tool
    • WinSCP integration for remote file editing via FTP and SCP

How to Activate :

a. Run setup file, when installation completed then click on Close Button,
1. Copy cracked file(crack\sublime_text) to program folder(C:\Program Files\Sublime Text), 
2. Open Subime text
3. click on "Help"
4. Again click on "Enter License"
5. paste the following License/key to register the sublime tezt with key:

----- BEGIN LICENSE -----
Single User License
8891CBB9 F1513E4F 1A3405C1 A865D53F
115F202E 7B91AB2D 0D2A40ED 352B269B
76E84F0B CD69BFC7 59F2DFEF E267328F
215652A3 E88F9D8F 4C38E3BA 5B2DAAE4
969624E7 DC9CD4D5 717FB40C 1B9738CF
20B3C4F1 E917B5B3 87C38D9C ACCE7DD8
5F7EF854 86B9743C FADC04AA FB0DA5C0
F913BE58 42FEA319 F954EFDD AE881E0B
------ END LICENSE ------

6. Done !!!
7. Enjoy

pls wait 5 - 8 sec to begin Download

Sublime Text 4.0.4126 Win + Portable Text editing (PreActivated) Sublime Text 4.0.4126 Win + Portable Text editing (PreActivated) Reviewed by Sagar Malla on August 30, 2022 Rating: 5

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